With the ongoing drama in the WordPress ecosystem (so sad to see decades of trust and reputation getting destroyed in a matter of days), many developers might be genuinely feeling concerned about the platform's future.
Personally, I don't think WordPress (.org) is going anywhere, but if you're a WP developer who wants to diversify your skill set by investing in other technologies, or just looking for a solid, developer-friendly framework to build awesome websites, I highly recommend investing time in learning Ruby on Rails.
At first glance, learning Ruby & Rails might seem a bit daunting, especially if you're new to programming or you're used to the comforts of working with visual website builders like WordPress. But don't let that first impression fool you. Rails offers an incredible amount of power and flexibility right at your fingertips, allowing you to not only build complex and high-performing websites with ease, but actually enjoy the process.
The Rails tagline famously says, "Ruby on Rails scales from HELLO WORLD to IPO". It's very easy to get started, and the thread goes very deep. The deeper you go, the more powerful and enjoyable it becomes to work with Rails. There’s always something new to discover, and it only gets more rewarding as you advance in your journey.
I began my Rails journey three years ago, and hands down, it was one of the best decisions of my life. If you're considering making the leap, I highly encourage you to give it a try—you won’t regret it.
If you're interested in exploring Ruby and Rails and, like me, prefer learning through reading books, I’ve created a Rails learning path specifically for you. Whether you've never programmed before or you're an experienced PHP developer wanting to explore Rails, I hope these books will guide you in the right direction and help you get started on your journey.

Jump in, the water is warm!