Throughout this year, I wrote a bunch of articles on Hotwire and its frameworks, especially Turbo. So far, the most common feedback from the readers (especially the new subscribers to the blog) has been to provide a step-by-step learning path providing all the essential information for a Rails developer to understand Hotwire.
And that's what I've been doing for the past two weeks (hence the delay in publishing new articles on the blog, as some of you may have noticed).
If you are connected with me on LinkedIn, you know I announced the crash-course last week. The response was great, and a lot of folks signed up to the blog in the anticipation.

Originally, it was going to be just another giant subscriber-only blog post containing the best of all the articles on the blog, and I was going to announce it over the weekend.
However, very quickly the article crossed more than 20,000 words and became hard to follow and confusing for the reader. There was no way someone was going to sit and read through the whole post for 3-4 hours.
So I spent the weekend migrating all the content to a proper course platform (Teachable), and now it's much more pleasurable to read and follow through. Instead of one giant post, you now have couple of dozen bite-sized posts that take you step-by-step through a topic or coding project, so it's not overwhelming at any point.
Here's a quick look of how it looks to take the course. You can track your progress throughout and mark lessons as finished, as you go through the course. I plan to add video lessons and quizzes, too.

It’s an introductory mini-guide for everyone interested in Hotwire and part of a bigger, more comprehensive, paid Hotwire course that I plan to release next year.
To reiterate, this crash course is for you if you want to:
- Understand what Hotwire is and how it works
- Learn to use Hotwire outside Rails applications
- Learn the various sub-frameworks inside Turbo: Drive, Frames, and Streams
- Understand how Turbo Frames differ from Turbo Streams
- Progressively build and enhance a component with Drive, Frames, and Streams
- Build a fully-functioning to-do list and a newsletter form with Hotwire
and much more…
How much does it cost?
It's absolutely free! I believe in giving back to the community and I want to say a big thanks to all of you who have been amazing subscribers to my small blog over the years.
However, over the past few months, many of you have asked how you could support the blog and my writing. For this, I've added a second tier for $9.99 only for those who want to buy this course and support the blog.
Is this course complete?
No, it's still a work-in-progress, pre-release version. However, I wanted to release it early and get your feedback so I could make the final, comprehensive course much better for everyone.
If you find any parts confusing to understand or need more explanation, each lesson has a comment box below it where you can give me your feedback. I'd really appreciate any feedback you have on the course.
What about Stimulus and Strada?
To be honest, I haven't used Strada (at all), so I don't feel qualified (yet) to write anything on it. For mobile development in Rails and Hotwire , I recommend you check out Joe Masilotti, the Turbo Native Guy.
I do plan to create a course on Stimulus in future, though. Meanwhile, you can follow my "Practical Stimulus" series on the blog (more posts coming soon).
So, that's it. I would really appreciate if you check it out and let me know what you think. I really hope you found this course helpful and you learn something new.
As always, if you have any questions or feedback or find a mistake, please leave a comment below or send me an email. I reply to all emails I get from developers, and I look forward to hearing from you.
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